Joe Furlonger
Capricorn Coast
26 November - 24 December 2017
26 November - 24 December 2017
Blue Fishing Fleet, 2016
pigment and PVA binder on canvas
101 x 149.5 cm
Hinchembrook, 2016
pigment and PVA binder on canvas
86 x 122.5 cm
Boats Coming Home, Gladstone Harbour, 2016
pigmenta and PVA binder on canvas
101 x 79.5 cm
Shipping Channel, 2016
pigment and PVA binder on canvas
119.5 x 191 cm
Fishing Fleet Sleeping, 2016
pigment and PVA binder on canvas
106b x 124.5 cm
Scallop Boats of Busted Head, 2016
pigment and PVA binder on canvas
125 x 126.5 cm
Gladstone Harbour, 2016
pigment and PVA binder on canvas
100 x 117 cm
Gas Tankers Gladstone, 2016
pigment and PVA binder on canvas
122 x 210.5 cm
Hay Point, Near Mackay, 2016
pigment and PVA binder on canvas
101 x 115 cm
Yeppoon, 2016
pigment and PVA binder on canvas
109 x 126 cm